Club Vision and Philosophy
To produce players who are technically and tactically strong and who enjoy and play the game to the highest levels of their ability
Meet our Coaches
Developing Every Player
At ISLAND CITY FC we believe that a player will best develop when they are with the right coach, in an environment that is positive and with a style of play with which they are familiar.
The Club hold a firm belief that players should experience playing in a number of different positions, not only to find their own preferred one but also to gain an appreciation of the different roles and responsibilities that are expected of each.

Individual Development Plans
All ISLAND CITY FC Players will be assessed at regular intervals throughout the year and written feedback will be given to the player and their parent/carer.
Players will be responsible for setting their own targets and devising strategies for ensuring that they are achieved. Coaches will assess against the four key areas of football which ISLAND CITY FC believe to be: Technical, Tactical, Physical and Psychosocial.
Positive Learning Environment
ISLAND CITY FC endeavours to create a positive learning environment for all our players and coaching staff.
We want players to play on good quality pitches and experience a range of surface types when it suits. We want to challenge, develop and improve individuals through them having fun and without fear of criticism.
ISLAND CITY FC training is challenging, fun (both structured and unstructured), safe and competitive

Positive Learning Environment
ISLAND CITY FC endeavours to create a positive learning environment for all our players and coaching staff.
We want players to play on good quality pitches and experience a range of surface types when it suits. We want to challenge, develop and improve individuals through them having fun and without fear of criticism.
ISLAND CITY FC training is challenging, fun (both structured and unstructured), safe and competitive

Team Team Principles
ISLAND CITY FC firmly advocate the fundamentals of being a TEAM TEAM.
We are TEAM TEAM because we are better than just a team. We are 2 teams. We are a team within a team, which creates a solid core foundation which makes us stronger than our opponents. We are better than our opponents because we are 2 teams and because we live and play by the TEAM TEAM way.
Everything we do we do it together!